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Decision Maker: Executive Councillor for Planning, Building Control, and Infrastructure
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
To note the progress of the project.
Matter for Decision
The report referred to the Making Space for the People
document prepared to act as a co-ordination tool to align thinking on future street,
public space and movement projects between Cambridge City Council,
Cambridgeshire County Council, the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined
Authority and the Greater Cambridge Partnership.
At the January 2021 committee meeting, officers committed to
bring a Progress Report to the March committee if a full report was not
possible at that point. The report provided a progress update on the Making
Space for People project.
Decision of the Executive Councillor for Planning Policy
and Open Spaces and Executive Councillor for Transport and Community Safety.
Noted the Progress report
Reason for the Decision
As set out in the Officer’s report.
Any Alternative Options Considered and Rejected
Not applicable
The Committee received a report from the Joint Director for
Planning and Economic Development, and the Strategy and Economy Manager advised
it was not now possible to progress the Making Space for People document in
2021 alongside the other priorities for the planning service.
In response to comments made by the Committee the Joint
Director for Planning and Economic Development and the Strategy and Economy
Manager said the following:
Had met with representatives from Cambridge
Past, Present and Future and Historic England to discuss the points raised at
the previous meeting.
Had received correspondence challenging legal
status of the document as highlighted in the report; having reviewed the
document further officers felt it could be developed into a Supplementary
Planning Document (SPD) which would take additional time.
The suggestion was the document had the
properties of an SPD; it was on this basis the challenge had been put forward
to the Council. Rather than expose the Council to additional cost and with
funding needed to be allocated elsewhere it was felt that it was best to
revisit the process later.
The interpretation of the status of planning
policy documents was not straight forward, with there being a category beneath
an SPD that could have some limited weight as material consideration.
The primary objective of bringing the document
to the last Committee was as a mechanism to bring the Council and external
partners together around a set of unifying principles, not policies,
particularly in respect of transport scheme development, which seemed
appropriate before the question about its legal status was made.
There was a congested work plan which included,
but was not limited to, the new Greater Cambridge Local Plan and the North East
Cambridge Area Action Plan, at least until the end of 2021 when it was
anticipated they will have reached their next milestones. This would then allow
officers the time to further develop the document.
Officers remained committed to achieve the
objectives around the street and spaces of the city for the benefit of all.
Had explored other options such as reframing the
Making Space for People document as a corporate (non-planning) document and
bringing it to a different committee for endorsement but this was not possible as
not only were there legal issues to consider but the matter of perception.
Noted the comment as made at the previous
meeting that the document needed to be improved regardless of the legal status.
Had looked at potential for the vision and principles to be taken forward by
external partnerships such as the Greater Cambridge Partnership and
Cambridgeshire County Council in their transport schemes.
Not clear at this point if they would be willing
to formally endorse them.
Understood Members’ frustration at the delay of
the project but suggested an update be given in the summer and expand on the
options available and explored with external partners.
The Committee:
As there was no decision the report was noted, two members
did not note the report and three abstained.
Both the Executive Councillors noted the report.
Publication date: 23/04/2021
Date of decision: 23/03/2021