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Decision Maker: Executive Councillor for Transformation
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
To approve the carry forward to 2018/2019 of the unspent additional contribution.
Matter for
The Officer’s report provided an update on the funding
and use of Discretionary Housing Payments (DHP) to support those affected by
the Welfare Reforms.
Decision of Executive Councillor for Finance and Resources
i. Approved the carry forward to the 2018/19 financial year the final unspent
additional DHP contribution (see paragraph 4.7 of the Officer’s report).
ii. Delegated approval for the future carry forward of any
underspent additional DHP contribution, to Head of Revenues and Benefits.
Reason for the Decision
As set out in the Officer’s report.
Any Alternative Options Considered and Rejected
Not applicable.
The Committee received a report from the Benefit Manager.
The Committee made the following comments in response to the report:
Found the reports useful for gathering data on
Commented that the local housing allowance appeared
to have an upward trend.
Asked with the benefit cap whether more people were
moving onto the scheme.
Asked for officer’s comments on the Discretionary
Housing Payment.
The Benefit Manager said the following in response to Members’
The Council had a robust triage process and
considered every individual benefit cap referral. Where the Council could
support an individual into work the benefit cap did not apply. When the
individual was not subject to a benefit cap, discretionary housing payment
would not be made.
The Local Housing Allowance was based on a broad
rental market area.
Commented on the benefit cap that she had seen a
reduction in caseload and this was not being replaced.
The carry forward of the
underspend would allow the Council to support the most vulnerable for
the next few years. During which time a review of other grant income to support
Discretionary Housing Payments would be undertaken. Discretionary Housing
Payment support for Local Housing Allowance was generally a temporary support measure, however we are mindful that it is not always
possible to assist people to move, as quite often, individuals in receipt of
Discretionary Housing Payments had local caring responsibilities.
Councillor Cantrill proposed and Councillor
Bick seconded an amendment to the recommendation to delete paragraph 2.2 of the
On a show of hands the amendment was lost by
4 votes to 2.
The Committee resolved by 4 votes to 0 to endorse the recommendations.
The Executive Councillor approved the recommendations.
Conflicts of Interest Declared by the Executive Councillor
(and any Dispensations Granted)
No conflicts of interest
were declared by the Executive Councillor.
Publication date: 29/06/2018
Date of decision: 19/03/2018