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Decision details

Disposal of Warkworth Lodge, Warkworth Terrace, Cambridge

Decision Maker: Executive Councillor for Transformation

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: No


Disposal of Warkworth Lodge, Warkworth Terrace, Cambridge


Disposal of Warkworth Lodge, Warkworth Terrace, Cambridge



Decision of:

Councillor Robertson, Executive Councillor for  Finance and Resources




Date of decision:           

24 August 2017

Recorded on: 

29 August 2017

Decision Type:

Key Decision

Matter for Decision:

Disposal of Warkworth Lodge, Warkworth Terrace, Cambridge

Why the decision had to be made (and any alternative options):

The was a purchaser wanting to progress and the City Council wanted to get them under contract as soon as possible to secure the sale in an uncertain market and also because the property was currently vacant.

The Executive Councillor’s decision(s):

A)  Approved the disposal of the City Council’s freehold interest in Warkworth Lodge, Warkworth Terrace, Cambridge.

B)  Delegated authority to Head of Property Services to approve the final terms of disposal of Warkworth Lodge in accordance with this report.


Reasons for the decision:

A sale of the property has now been provisionally agreed.

Scrutiny consideration:

The Chair and Spokesperson of Strategy and Resources Scrutiny Committee were consulted prior to the action being authorised.

The Opposition Spokesperson did not support the decision.


A report detailing the background and financial considerations is not attached to this Record of Decision because the information contained within the documents is confidential by virtue of paragraph 3, of part 1 Schedule 12A (Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information) of the Local Government Act 1972.

Conflicts of interest:




This urgent decision will be reported back to the next Strategy and Resources Scrutiny Committee.


Publication date: 30/08/2017

Date of decision: 24/08/2017