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Decision Maker: Executive Councillor for Planning, Building Control, and Infrastructure
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
To review representations made to the draft development framework and agree any necessary changes to the document prior to it being put forward for adoption pending the adoption of the emerging Local Plan.
Matter for Decision
consider and comment before decision by the Executive Councillor for Planning
Policy and Transport.
Decision of Executive Councillor
To agree the responses to the representations received during public
consultation and the consequential amendments proposed to the Mill Road Depot
Planning and Development Brief (Appendices B and C);
To approve the Mill Road Depot Planning and Development Brief (Appendix
D) in anticipation of the adoption of the Local Plan, and to agree that it
should be carried forward for adoption as a Supplementary Planning Document at
the same time as the Local Plan.
Reason for Decision
set out in the Officer’s report.
Any Alternative Options Considered and
Not applicable.
Scrutiny Considerations
The Committee
received a report from the Urban Extensions Project Manager.
Members noted the
amendment sheet circulated in advance of the meeting.
The Committee made
the following comments in response to the report:
Drew attention to the garages located at the rear
of the site that appeared to limit the sites potential and how it integrated
with the wider area. Also questioned how they became a parameter and how the
SPD could be amended to address the garages.
Highlighted the provision of community spaces
within paragraph 4.5.6 of the Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) requesting
that they be properly integrated within the development and the wording of the
paragraph be amended to ensure their connectivity with established developments
to the north of the site
Queried the ownership of the library building and
the status of its tenancy agreement with the current building occupiers. Also sought clarification on the projected
level of car parking for the area.
Highlighted the importance of delivering more
housing and the importance of the provision of open spaces within the
development that were centrally located and drew people into the site and were
easily travelled to.
It was proposed by
Councillor Bick and seconded by Councillor Avery to defer the adoption of the
SPD until a report had been submitted regarding the status of the garages,
their potential development and its implications. During discussion of the amendment, Members
commented that due to the ownership of the site there were issues that needed
to be clarified in the future, but they should not delay the adoption of the
SPD. On being put to the vote the
amendment was lost, 2 votes in favour 4 against.
The Urban
Extensions Project Manager said the following in response to Members questions:
Explained that the SPD was intended to be a
flexible document. The garages were
subject in some cases to long leases and discussions would continue regarding
their status but there was not an immediate opportunity to take them on
board. The Executive Councillor
confirmed that several owners of the garages wished to retain ownership and
that made it difficult to incorporate the land.
With respect to paragraph 4.5.6 of the SPD,
acknowledged the needs of the community to north, but highlighted the
importance of not being too constrained on the provision of community
facilities as there was a balance to be achieved and flexibility is needed to
aid delivery.
Explained the SPD was a design framework that
supported the Local Plan and its policies. The City Council as landowner would appoint
architects that would develop a more detailed Masterplan for the area.
Confirmed that car parking provision would be
determined as part of the detailed design stage. The overall goal though was to reduce the level
of available car parking in the area and support more sustainable transport
Explained that the library building was subject to
negotiations with the tenants and its owners (Cambridgeshire County Council).
The Committee
resolved 5 votes in favour, 0 against and 1 abstention to endorse the
The Executive
Councillor approved the recommendations.
Conflicts of Interest Declared by the
Executive Councillor (and any Dispensations Granted)
No conflicts of
interest were declared by the Executive Councillor.
Publication date: 06/04/2017
Date of decision: 22/03/2017