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Decision details

Temporary Agency Worker Provision from November 2015

Decision Maker: Executive Councillor for Transformation

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: No


To agree the arrangements to procure temporary agency worker services with effect from November 2015.


Matter for Decision

The reported presented the recommended option for the future provision of temporary agency worker services with effect from November 2015.


Decision of Executive Councillor for Finance and Resources


Delegated authority to the Head of Human Resources, following agreement by the Director of Business Transformation in consultation with the Executive Councillor, to procure a Managed Service Provider for the provision of temporary agency workers through the national Managed Services for Temporary Agency Resources (MSTAR2) framework with effect from 22 November 2015.


Reason for the Decision

As set out in the Officer’s report.


Any Alternative Options Considered and Rejected

Not applicable.


Scrutiny Considerations


The Committee received a report from the Head of Human Resources.


The Committee unanimously resolved to endorse the recommendations.


The Executive Councillor approved the recommendation.


Conflicts of Interest Declared by the Executive Councillor (and any Dispensations Granted):


Not applicable.



***See below for record of delegated Officer’s Decision –

additional information published on 21.12.15***


Officer Record of Decision


What decision(s) has been taken:

To award the contract for the provision of a Managed Service Provider for the provision of temporary agency workers through the national Managed Services for Temporary Agency Resources (MSTAR2) framework, with effect from 21 December 2015 to Comensura.  The term of the contract to be for a period of 3 years with the option to extend for a further 1 year.

Who made the decision:

Head of Human Resources – The Strategy & Resources Scrutiny Committee agreed the recommendation set out in the report on 12 October 2015 to delegate authority to the Head of Human Resources, following agreement by the Director of
Business Transformation, in consultation with the Executive Councillor, to procure a Managed Service Provider for the provision of temporary agency workers through the national Managed Services for Temporary Agency Resources (MSTAR2) framework.

Date decision made: 


Matter for Decision /Wards affected


Reasons(s) for the decision including any background papers considered


Any alternative options considered and rejected:

Temporary Agency Worker Provision From November 2015 Report to At Strategy &Resources Scrutiny Committee on 12 October 2015)



As set out in the  Strategy & Resources Scrutiny Committee report and confidential briefing note provided to  Executive Councillor,- George Owers and Director of Business Transformation, - Ray Ward





Decision taken to procure provider using call-off with-out competition provisions of the  MSTAR2 framework 653F

Contract for Managed Services for Temporary Agency Resources (MSTAR2)


Conflicts of interest and dispensations granted by the Chief Executive:



Other Comments:





Contact for further information:

Deborah Simpson, Head of Human Resources.



Publication date: 22/12/2015

Date of decision: 22/12/2015