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Decision details

Review of Finance, Property and Human Resources Delegations

Decision Maker: Executive Councillor for Transformation

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


To decide whether changes to delegated powers in these areas are needed.


Matter for Decision

The Officer’s report looked at aspects of delegated powers to officers to make decisions about finance, human resources and property matters. It proposed some changes to finance delegations and to powers to buy and sell some property.


Decision of Executive Councillor for Finance and Resources

       i.          Decided Civic Affairs and Council should be asked to review virement limits (as set out in para 3.2 of the Officer’s report).

     ii.          Approved the proposed changes to the levels at which officers can write off bad debts (as amended in minutes below).

   iii.          Approved the proposed changes to the levels at which officers can waive or reduce charges (report para 3.4).


Decision of the Leader

That the Executive Councillor for Housing will have in future responsibility for decisions on: "the freehold or leasehold disposal and the terms for disposal, of Right to Buy dwellings sold under the Housing Act 1985, properties in shared equity schemes and other land or property held for housing purposes or for the provision of facilities and amenities for local residents or tenants".


Reason for the Decision

As set out in the Officer’s report.


Any Alternative Options Considered and Rejected

Not applicable.


Scrutiny Considerations

The Committee received a report from the Head of Legal Services. He tabled an amended version of the table on agenda page 266 showing the proposed delegation of writing off bad debts.


In response to the report Councillors said a quick decision making process was required, albeit with appropriate checks and balances.


Councillors requested a change to the delegations referenced in the recommendations. Councillor Cantrill formally proposed to amend the delegations from the Officer’s report (shown in white text) so they were equal between HRA and other debt types:



HRA Debt

Business Rates, Council Tax and Housing Benefit.

Other Debts


Up to £2,500

Up to £2,500

Up to £2,500

Head of Revenues and Benefits

Up to £10,000

Over £2,500 to £25,000

Up to £25,000

Head of Finance

Over £10,000 and up to £25,000

Over £10,000 and up to £25,000

Over £10,000 and up to £25,000

Head of Finance in consultation with  Executive Councillor for Housing

Over £25,000

Over £25,000

Over £25,000

Scrutiny Committee (Housing) and Executive Councillor

Over £25,000

Over £25,000

Over £25,000

Scrutiny Committee and Executive Councillor for Finance and Resources)



The Committee approved this amendment nem con.


The Committee unanimously resolved to endorse the recommendations as amended.


The Executive Councillor for Finance and Resources approved his recommendations at the meeting. The Leader approved his recommendation by email after the meeting.


Conflicts of Interest Declared by the Executive Councillor (and any Dispensations Granted)

No conflicts of interest were declared by the Executive Councillor.

Publication date: 26/06/2015

Date of decision: 23/03/2015