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Decision details

Council Housing at Homerton College

Decision Maker: Executive Councillor for Housing

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: No


Approve scheme, budget and delegated authority to sign a contract.


Matter for Decision


The report requested approval to a capital budget for the scheme based on the scheme submitted for planning approval.


Decision of Executive Councillor for Housing


The Executive Councillor resolved to:


     i.        Noted the indicative mix, design and layout of the new scheme submitted for planning approval

    ii.        Approved the capital budget of £7,007,505 for the scheme detailed in the Project Appraisal shown as shown in Appendix 1 of the Officer’s report.

   iii.        Approved delegated authority be given to the Director of Customer and Community Services following consultation with the Director of Resources and the Head of Legal Services enter into a legal agreement with the developers of the scheme.


Scrutiny Considerations


A report from the Head of Strategic Housing outlined the Homerton College scheme as the first to be brought forward in the next phase of the Council’s own Housing Programme and is notable too to be the first opportunity to deliver new Affordable Housing on a site not owned by the Council.


The Committee made the following comments in response to the report:


     i.        Asked for clarification on the mix of houses referenced on page 187 & 188 of the agenda reports pack.

    ii.        Asked if the four affordable units for wheelchair users were flats or houses.

   iii.        Asked what flexibility there would be to adjust the build numbers and would the Committee have to commitment to costs before knowing if reserves were available.


In response to Committees comments Officers, the Director of Community and Customer Services stated the following:


     i.        An answer would be given outside of the meeting on clarification on the mix of housing*

    ii.        Confirmed that the units for wheelchair users were ground floor flats.

   iii.        If the Council did not need to borrow when paying for the scheme and apply for reserves would make the scheme more viable.

  iv.        The report is presented to show viability and good assumptions. If the Council do not need to borrow then they won’t.

   v.        Confirmed there was provision in the budget for the Homerton project. There was sufficient right to buy receipts to cover the cost of the scheme.

  vi.        Acknowledged that market forces would have an effect on shared ownership and this would be reviewed twice a year.

 vii.        Borrowing would always be the last result for the Council.


* Committee Manager’s note: The mix of housing shown in the table on page 187 is the same as the mix in the text on page 188, apart from one discrepancy. The 4 bedroom houses are shown as 5 person on page 187 and 6 person on page 188. They will be 6 person.


The Committee:


Resolved unanimously to approve the recommendations.


The Executive Councillor approved the recommendation and welcomed the scheme.


Conflicts of Interest Declared by the Executive Councillor (and any Dispensations Granted)


No conflicts of interest were declared by the Executive Councillor.



Publication date: 21/05/2015

Date of decision: 14/01/2015