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Decision details

Use of Taxis for Shared Usages Agreed at Point of Departure

Decision Maker: Executive Councillor for Climate Action and Environment

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: No


Matter for Decision:


Members of the Licensing Committee have proposed the introduction of a shared ‘taxi’ scheme, which would make a contribution towards achieving a reduction in the carbon footprint within the city.


Section 10 of the Transport Act 1985 makes provision for a licensing authority to adopt a scheme for the use of taxis (licensed hackney carriage vehicles) for shared journeys, with each person paying a separate fare.


Decision of Executive Councillor for Environmental and Waste Services:




1. To endorse the principle of introducing a scheme under section 10 of the Transport Act 1985 for the use of taxis for the carriage of passengers for hire and reward at separate fares


2. To approve the commission of a survey to assess the level of public interest and the interest of the hackney carriage trade and other stakeholders in such a scheme


3. That in the event that the results of the survey support the introduction of a scheme to instruct officers to prepare a draft scheme in accordance with section 10 of the Transport Act 1985 to be considered by the Executive Councillor at the Environment Scrutiny Committee meeting in March 2011.


Reason for the Decision:


Such a scheme, if adopted in Cambridge, could:


·        help reduce number of journeys taken in the central area

·        increase taxi occupancy

·        reduce carbon emissions


Additional Benefits include:

·        passengers gain because they pay only a proportion of metered fare so more people may be attracted to use shared taxis

·        taxi drivers gain because collectively they will receive more than the metered fare because vehicle is not hired as a whole and so more people should be attracted to using their service

·        taxi vehicle used more efficiently

·        local residents and visitors will potentially benefit from an improvement in air quality and possible reduction in congestion in Cambridge City.


Any alternative options considered and rejected:


As detailed in the report.


Scrutiny Considerations:


The head of Environmental Services introduced the report. Similar schemes have worked well in other places (London). Members asked for clarity on participation and were told that drivers would be free to opt out of the scheme. Concerns were raised about the ability of existing taxi ranks to cope with this sort of service. The officer confirmed that the fine details of the scheme would not be drawn up until the will and the demand to introduce it had been tested. Issues such as use of taxi ranks, queue marshals and logistics of the plan will be agreed later.


Cllr Pitt stated that the scheme would only proceed if there were benefits to all involved.  He did not agree that there is an over supply of taxis in the City or that taxi ranks are always full. These are business decisions for the providers to assess.


The Scrutiny Committee considered and endorsed the recommendations by a vote of 6 to 0.


The Executive Councillor for Environmental and Waste Services approved the recommendations.


Conflicts of interest declared by the Executive Councillor (and any dispensations granted)




Publication date: 10/08/2010

Date of decision: 22/06/2010