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Decision details

Developer Contributions Devolved Decision-Making: 2nd Round Short-Listing for North Area

Decision Maker: North Area Committee

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


To short-list eligible project ideas from the Area that will be considered in more detail as part of the second round of developer contributions devolved decision-making.


The Chair thanked officers for their hard work and dedication.


The committee received a report from the Urban Growth Project Manager regarding the 2nd round short-listing for developer contributions.


It was noted that the Cambridge Tennis Club had expressed their support for project No 29 (tennis courts at North Cambridge Academy/Nun’s Way) and were keen to work with the Council to develop this. It was also noted that project No 35 (new village sign for East Chesterton) would now be funded through a different source and could be removed from the list.


Clare Blair spoke in support of the project for tennis courts at North Cambridge Academy/Nun’s Way (No 29) and the improvements to Chesterton Methodist Church (No 3).


Ian Murray spoke in support of the improvements to Chesterton Methodist Church (No 3).


Richard Robertson spoke in support of the improvements to Milton Road Library (No 8). 


Individual Members spoke in support of their preferred projects.


Resolved (unanimously) to:


       i.          Short-list the following project ideas to be considered in more detail in the priority-setting report in February 2014:


Community Facilities


-        No 3: Chesterton Methodist Church

-        No 6: More community rooms at Buchan Street Centre

-        No 8: Community Rooms at Milton Road Library Development


Informal Open Space


-        No 12: Trim trail at Chesterton Recreation Ground

-        No 13: Trim trail at Alexandra Gardens


Play Provision


-        No 17: Improve Discovery Way play area

-        No 18: Improve Hawkins Road play area

-        No 21: Improve Woodhead Drive play area

-        No 23: New play area by Perse Way flats for both children and teenagers


Sports Facilities


-        No 29: Provide tennis courts: North Cambridge Academy/Nun’s Way

-        No 28: Improved lighting for Meadows Community Centre MUGA

-        No 32: Upgrade lighting on Nun’s Way multi-sports play area



     ii.          Request that the Executive Councillor for Public Places returns to the North Area those informal open spaces contributions from local major developments in its four wards which have been assigned to the city-wide fund. There are around £15k of provisional informal open spaces allocations from the North Area to strategic, first round priority projects that could be replaced by the same amount of unallocated city-wide funds from other areas.


   iii.          Request that, in considering priorities for the use of sports facilities contributions in the city-wide fund, the Executive Councillor for Community Well-being takes accounts of (and makes some appropriate allocations for) the local needs of the Area Committees where these needs cannot be afforded from the devolved funding available. It is understood that the short-listing of strategic sports proposals is likely to be deferred until next March so that these can be considered in the context of the proposed Sports Strategy for 2014-17, which is due to be reported to the Community Services Scrutiny Committee at that time.


   iv.          Identify the following North Area project idea for consideration for city-wide developer contributions funding:


-        No 5: Sikh Guardwara – new community building




Please Note:

Post meeting (4 October 2013), Officers advised the committee that community facility developer contributions could not be used to fund religious activity. The possibility of a grant to the Sikh Gurdwara would be based on the provision of new/improved local community meeting space that could be used by (anyone in) the local community in North Area. This would still be a local benefit that would need to be met from devolved funding.








Report author: Tim Wetherfield

Publication date: 06/12/2013

Date of decision: 03/10/2013

Decided at meeting: 03/10/2013 - North Area Committee

Accompanying Documents: