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Decision details

Developer Contributions Devolved Decision-Making: 2nd Round Priority-Setting for East Area

Decision Maker: East Area Committee

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


To prioritise which local projects for new/improved local facilities will be funded from developer contributions (subject to project appraisal and, where appropriate, identification of suitable funding for maintenance/running costs) as part of the second round of developer contributions devolved decision-making.


The Committee received a report from the Urban Growth Project Manager regarding second round priority-setting for devolved developer contributions.


It was noted that, in Table 1 on page 2 of the report, the figure for devolved community facilities contributions should read £325k (rounded down to the nearest £25k), rather than £275k.


It was also noted that paragraph 4.2a of the report outlined the reasons for the Officers’ view as to why the proposal for the East Barnwell Community Centre was not yet ready for consideration. That said, it was pointed out that if the Area Committee did wish to consider this proposal at this stage, the Area Committee would be entitled to identify four priorities plus one grant-funded priority.


Individual Members spoke in support of their preferred projects.


Due to differing views regarding the level of funding to allocate to the Ross Street Community Centre extension the Chair proposed that a separate vote be taken: 


-        £150,000 allocated to the Ross Street Community Centre extension (proposal lost by 6 votes to 4)


-        £70,000 allocated to the Ross Street Community Centre extension with £255,000 community facilities contributions  allocated to develop phase 1 of the East Barnwell Community Centre Project (resolved unanimously)


Resolved to identify the following short-listed options to prioritise from devolved developer contributions funding in the second round, subject to project appraisal:


-        Create Romsey ‘town square’ by Mill Road Co-op/St Phillip’s Church (resolved unanimously)


-        Improve Bath House play area and landscaping at the front - with improvements to Ditton Fields play area for toddlers/pre-schoolers as a reserve (resolved by 9 votes to 1)


-        £70,000 allocated to the Ross Street Community Centre extension with £255,000 community facilities contributions allocated to develop phase 1 of the East Barnwell Community Centre Project (resolved unanimously)


-        That a further report be brought back to the East Area Committee in in due course giving more information on informal open space projects at Coldhams Lane and Howard Road/Dudley Road.






Report author: Tim Wetherfield

Publication date: 11/12/2013

Date of decision: 28/11/2013

Decided at meeting: 28/11/2013 - East Area Committee

Accompanying Documents: