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Decision Maker: Civic Affairs
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
Members to review progress on the delivery of the Internal Audit Plan and any governance issues arising.
The committee received a progress report from the Head of Internal Audit regarding the Internal Audit Plan. It was highlighted that Managers had been very receptive to recent audit reports and were proactively implementing actions and identifying savings where possible.
In response to Members’ questions the Head of Internal Audit and the
Director of Resources said the following:
Contracts and projects within the report listed as ‘watching
brief’ were those where preventative, rather than specific audit work, was
being undertaken. Audit retained a role in the Project Boards and provided
advice to guide the process.
ii. Referring to the table on page 38 of the agenda:
- 5 actions had been listed as ‘overdue’ for 2013/14. Since the report had been written 2 of these had now been completed and work on the remaining 3 was progressing.
- 18 actions had been listed as ‘overdue’ for 2011/12. A number of these had slipped due to changes in legislation and as a result of departmental restructures, but were now progressing well.
National Fraud Initiative (NFI) was set up in 1996 to match electronic data within and between public and private sector
bodies to prevent and detect fraud.
Data sets were cross checked with discrepancies being highlighted and reported back for further investigation. Early in
the process a large number of inaccuracies were highlighted which helped
identify areas on which to concentrate audit work and that of the fraud team.
Audit had been fully involved with the recent changes to the Council’s
budgetary process and had found them to be robust. A watching brief would be
maintained as they were now being implemented.
Audit had concentrated on the ‘project management’ element of the Mercury
Abatement Project. Internal Audit had not looked at the ‘value for money’
Councillor Cantrill highlighted that in previous years a
‘categorisation’ section had been included in the summary position tables (as
at page 38 of the agenda).
The committee
requested that this be reinstated for the 2014/15 progress report.
Resolved (unanimously) to:
Note progress
against the original plan together with the associated assurance levels
Progress against
implementation of agreed actions.
Request the
inclusion of a ‘categorisation’ section in summary position tables for future
Report author: Steve Crabtree
Publication date: 02/12/2013
Date of decision: 20/11/2013
Decided at meeting: 20/11/2013 - Civic Affairs
Accompanying Documents: