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Decision details

Buy Back Dwelling Sold under Right to Buy

Decision Maker: Executive Councillor for Housing

Decision status: Recommendations approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


i. To approve that the Council, subject to agreement with the vendor, buy back the ex-Council property, previously sold under right to buy legislation in February 2003



Record of Executive Decision



Recommendation to Buy Back a Dwelling



Decision of:

Councillor Smart, Executive Councillor for Housing



Date of decision:            

22nd October 2013

Record on: 

22nd October 2013

Decision Type:

Non Key Decision



Matter for Decision:


The report proposed that the Council enacts the Housing Revenue Account Acquisition & Disposal Policy, following the basic premise of the ‘Right of First Refusal’ for buying back a Council dwelling that was sold under the right to buy process in 2003.  Although this property was originally sold before the introduction of the legislation, the owner-occupier has approached the Council, to offer the Council the right to repurchase, outside of any legal requirement to do so.


Why the decision had to be made (and any alternative options):

As detailed in the briefing note. It was not practical to delay the decision until the next committee meeting as the need for the service was considered urgent.

The Executive Councillor’s decision(s):

The Executive Councillor Resolved:


     i.        To approve that the Council, subject to agreement with the vendor, buy back the ex-Council property, previously sold under right to buy legislation in February 2003.


    ii.        The capital cost were detailed in the confidential report.


   iii.        The revenue implications arising from bringing this property back into housing stock (management, repairs and property improvements) are anticipated to be fully met from the rental income from the dwelling once let.


Reasons for the decision:

It is proposed that the property would be let as general needs housing increasing the supply of social housing in the city and providing an extra unit of accommodation, where there is currently pressure on the housing waiting list

Scrutiny consideration:

The chair and spokesperson of community services scrutiny committee were consulted prior to the action being authorised.


A report detailing the background and financial considerations is attached.

Conflicts of interest:





Publication date: 01/11/2013

Date of decision: 01/11/2013