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Decision details

Policing and Safer Neighbourhoods

Decision Maker: South Area Committee

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


The committee received a report from the Neighbourhood Police Sergeant and the Community Fire Officer.


Q1 Ms Shepherd: Raised concern regarding parking issues at the Accordia Site and the impact this may have for emergency vehicles.


A: Advised that this be reported to the local Police who would tackle the issue. Highlighted that parking over a fire hydrant was also a criminal offence. 


Q2 Mr Cray: Thanked the Community Fire Officer for the recent visit to the Accordia Site made by Bluewatch.


A: This comment was noted.


Q3 Mr Chisholm: Questioned whether any enforcement action had been taken against cars using mandatory cycle lanes.


A: Confirmed that, whilst motorists could not be written to with enforcement action after the event, the Police could stop and ticket motorists for this offence.


Q4 City Councillor Ashton: Thanked the Cherry Hinton PCSO’s for all their hard work in the area and encouraged the PCC to fight to increase the budget for this important resource.


A: This comment was noted.


Q5 City Councillor Ashton: Emphasised the need to continue to tackle drug related crime in the area.


A: This comment was noted.


Q6 City Councillor Swanson: Thanked the Police for all their hard work in the Almoners Avenue area but noted that vehicles parking on the pavement in Edendale Close and Magnolia Close were now causing problems for mobility scooters.


A: Requested that further details be forwarded to the Police so that the issue could be looked at in detail. 


Q7 City Councillor Pippas: Highlighted the importance of the Immobiliser Scheme


A: Confirmed that there would be a campaign locally to promote the scheme further.


Q8 County Councillor Taylor: Questioned what responses had been received to the recent survey on Police Surgeries in the Queen Edith’s area.


A: It was confirmed that mobile Police Surgeries would be held at Addenbrookes Hospital and outside of Waitrose.


Q9 County Councillor Taylor: Suggested that areas in the north of the Ward near to schools would benefit from a Police Surgery.


A: This comment was noted.



Resolved (by 10 votes to 0) to adopt the following priorities


       i.          Reduce the theft of pedal cycles in the South area

     ii.          Combat the supply of drugs in the South area

   iii.          Vehicle parking issues in Almoners Avenue and Mill End Road



Report author: Lynda Kilkelly

Publication date: 13/06/2013

Date of decision: 09/05/2013

Decided at meeting: 09/05/2013 - South Area Committee

Accompanying Documents: