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Decision details

Adoption of Interim Planning Policy Guidance (IPPG) on the Protection of Public Houses in Cambridge

Decision Maker: Executive Councillor for Planning, Building Control, and Infrastructure

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: No


To approve the IPPG on the Protection of Public Houses in Cambridge.


Matter for Decision:  

The Council, in response to local concern regarding the loss of public houses in Cambridge, commissioned consultants to produce the Cambridge Public House Study and Interim Planning Policy Guidance (IPPG) on The Protection of Public Houses in the City of Cambridge.


The decision relates to the adoption of the IPPG on The Protection of Public Houses in the City of Cambridge.


Decision of Executive Councillor for Planning and Climate Change:

              i.      Agreed the draft responses to the representations received to the draft IPPG (Appendix A of the Officer’s report) and the consequential amendments to the IPPG;

            ii.      Agreed to adopt the IPPG (Appendix B of the Officer’s report) with immediate effect;

          iii.      Agreed the contents of Cambridge Public House Study (Appendix C of the Officer’s report) and to endorse it as an evidence base document with immediate effect.


Reason for the Decision:

The Cambridge Public House Study explains how public houses are an important part of the Cambridge economy, not just for the direct and indirect jobs they provide in the pub, supplier, food and brewing industries, but in supporting the city’s main industries by attracting and providing a meeting place for students, academics, scientists and entrepreneurs, and in attracting office workers, shoppers and tourists.


Any Alternative Options Considered and Rejected:

Not applicable.


Scrutiny Considerations:

The Committee received a report from the Senior Planning Policy Officer regarding the Protection of Public Houses in the City of Cambridge.


Members made the following comments;

              i.      There was an urgent need to do something now and this could be improved on in the Local Plan.

            ii.      The broader issues regarding the demolition of building needed to be considered.

          iii.      Members would welcome further investigation of Article 4.


The Director of Environment stated that the IPPG was at the cutting edge of Planning Policy. Article 4 would create legal and resource implications for the authority and would need careful consideration. The IPPG and the Local Plan offered a good solution.


Councillor Marchant-Daisley proposed an additional recommendation to instruct officers to take forward research to investigate the use of Article 4 in relation to protection of Public Houses in Cambridge. It was agreed that officers would carry out some research and therefore a formal amendment was unnessary.


The Committee resolved by unanimously to endorse the recommendations.


The Executive Councillor approved the recommendation.


Conflicts of interest declared by the Executive Councillor (and any dispensations granted)

Not applicable. 



Publication date: 08/11/2012

Date of decision: 09/10/2012