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Decision details

15/2235/FUL - Land Off Kingfisher Way

Decision Maker: Planning

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


The Committee received an application for full planning permission.


The application sought permission for a revised location of footbridge north of the originally approved location together with revised arrangement for footpath links.  Officers referred to the Pre-Committee amendment sheet tabled at the meeting. 


The Committee received a representation in objection to the application from a local resident.


The representation covered the following issues:

i.     Expressed concern that objections were being ignored in favour of residents of Accordia.

ii.     Highlighted that construction of the bridge would only benefit the resident of Accordia and have a detrimental impact on the residents on the west side of the brook.

iii.    Questioned the benefits to residents east of the bridge.

iv.   Questioned the rationale for the bridge to provide a short cut when it was primarily designed for exercise.

v.     Drew attention to Brookland Avenue that already provided access to the community orchard.

vi.    The design would not deter cyclists from using the bridge


The Committee.


Unanimously resolved to grant the application for planning permission in accordance with the officers’ recommendation, for the reasons set out in the report, and subject to the conditions recommended by the officers.

Report author: Sav Patel

Publication date: 09/12/2016

Date of decision: 03/08/2016

Decided at meeting: 03/08/2016 - Planning

Accompanying Documents: