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187 General Item: 14/1740/FUL: Double Tree By Hilton, Granta Place PDF 55 KB
On 4 March 2015
Planning Committee considered an application (14/1740/FUL) to allow the
extension and alterations to the existing hotel to provide 16 additional
bedrooms. The Committee resolved to approve the application subject to
conditions and completion of a S106 agreement for SCATP contributions (£23,616)
and public art.
As no highway
project was identified at the stage of the application, the Head of Planning
sought Committee’s approval to secure the contribution towards an identified
On the basis the
Council can no longer pool contributions from developments without having
identified a local project to secure it against, the Head of Planning sought
members’ approval for the following:
· (Officer report
paragraph 1.4) The County Highways Authority (CHA) has identified the “Trumpington Road Mini-Roundabouts Safety Improvement
Scheme” as the project to secure the SCATP contribution (£23,616) through a
S106 agreement.
· (Officer report
paragraph 1.5) The Head of Planning also sought members’ approval to withdraw
the public art contribution as no public art strategy has been prepared for
this and no local project has been identified. Also as the public art officer
did not make any request for this, the Head of Planning did not consider it
necessary to seek public art contribution, in this instance.
The Committee:
Unanimously resolved (by 5 votes to 0) to:
Agree the project that the County Highway Authority
has identified in para 1.4 for the SCATP contribution to be spend on.
Agree to withdraw the request for public art
contribution as set out in para 1.5.
Agree an extension of time for completion of the
Section 106 agreement until 31 October 2015.